Sprite to places!
Objective: Based on scenario initialize sprites in the scene.
1. Repetition:
- repetition of basic algorithmic concepts
- setting sprites to their default value (such as variable initialization)
2. Sprite placement to the basic position:
- It is important, to tell the computer exactly, where should sprites (when green flags is clicked) appear
- It must be set all properties, for each sprite, which can be changed during playback of a story such as e.g.
- position,
- direction,
- size,
- costume,
- to show or to hide, etc.
3. Practical exercises on a computer or without
- TASK 1 – deploy all sprites to scene 1 and set their default values
- Presentation Červená karkulka – programujeme I
- Sample story of Little Red Riding Hood: _pribehKarkulka01.sb